
First year in Las Palmas

By the end of 2013 Bird of Passage was back in Las Palmas after two months in Taliarte and the whole family gathered to celebrate Christmas and New Year. We had much fun but we all had to return to Sweden after a few weeks.

I returned to Bird of Passage by the end of March and started the reparation of our boom, see: Boom reparation (opens in new window)

I also spent a lot of time hiking in the mountains with my camera, see: 101 flowers (opens in new window)

During Easter holidays Tove came to Las Palmas and we made a short trip to Lanzarote by ferryboat. She then returned to her job and retired by the end of June. The plan was to sail to South America but unfortunately she suddenly became very ill, needed heart surgery and had a stroke. She recovered fantastically and by the end of November we could return to Bird of Passage in Las Palmas.

Here are the Log Books from 2014:

  1. Mountain Hiking

  2. A trip to Lanzarote

  3. Aland, our future home

  4. Back in Las palmas